Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ancestral home sits over rich heritage..!!

Not just close to his heart. It turns out now that rich heritage lay right under the Prime Minister’s ancestral home in Vadnagar. Excavations by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) have unearthed rich heritage from the Sultanate era just a stone’s throw from the house in the Brahman Sheri locality of this historic town.


he Excavation Branch V of ASI, currently sequencing the ancient town, has found a lane made in brick-on-edge fashion dating back to 15th century. Further excavation points at the possibility of a wider street, on the basis of the artefacts found from the spot that dates back to Solanki era (13th century).

Dr Abhijit Ambekar, deputy superintending archaeologist, Excavation Branch V, said that they had selected four locations in Vadnagar for cultural sequencing and one of the locations was Brahman Sheri, a stone’s throw from the PM’s ancestral house.

“The excavation at the spot has reached a depth of eight metres. At the depth of 6.3 meters, we have found a lane made of bricks. Further digging could unearth a wider street but there is no space for digging in adjoining areas. It is possible that construction during 15th century reduced the road to a lane,” said Ambekar.

Digging below the brick structure has yielded fragments of multi-colour glass bangles of the Sultanate period and terracotta polished beads, semiprecious stone beads, glass beads and shell bangles of the Solanki period. It is said heritage is an essential part of the present that we live in and of the future we will build. Ever since my childhood days, growing up in the ancient town of Vadnagar in north Gujarat, heritage has been a subject close to my heart Narendra Modi in the foreword for the coffee-table book on Ahmedabad heritage brought out by TOI in 2010.

HERITAGE UNEARTHED: A continuously inhabited town since 6th century BC Vadnagar attracted attention of archaeologists in 1950s when a team from MSU of Baroda undertook the excavation and found 2000-year-old cultural remains The state archaeology department started excavations in 2006 which continued till 2012. It unearthed a 14x14m structure with 12 cells, identified as a Buddhist monastery.

Since 2014-15, ASI excavated multiple spots to establish the town’s historic sequence. So far the excavations pointed at the town’s past as an important trade centre having links to Europe due to the presence of Roman bulla and other artefacts including a stash of coins dated back to 2nd to 9th century AD. Researchers have also found shell bangles from different era, terracotta sealings, Buddhist artefacts such as pendent of human face with ‘Tri-ratna’ symbol on forehead and so on.


For archaeologists, the place poses big challenge as there is little scope for excavation. The reason is residential and commercial areas located directly above the possible remains.

The discovery matches with the overall understanding of the ancient town’s known history and also gives a peek into change in town planning over the centuries. For example, we can ascertain that the town will have been prosperous, having spent on making the pucca streets,” said Ambekar. Dr Sudhir Joshi, Modi’s close friend and schoolmate, said that Brahman Sheri is located just behind Ghanchi Ol, where Modi’s ancestral home is located. “Narendrabhai’s childhood was spent in these lanes. We used to play here as the spot which is being excavated is located just opposite our school,” he said. The Modi family sold off the ancestral home even before Modi became the chief minister,” said Sunil Mehta, ex-president of the Vadnagar municipality.

Source: TOI

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